Testimonies from Palestine Trauma Centre (UK) staff in Gaza

UKPALMHN Action Half-Hour
Monday 17 June at 1 pm UK time
An informal space to share thoughts and feelings, and to channel these into actions that we take together.
Zoom link: Please write to ukpalmhn@gmail.com if you would like a link to the meeting

All of the actions for this event and previous events can be found on:

Election Resources
We have created an Election Resources page. We do not endorse any specific candidates or parties but simply present Palestine-related election news that may not be present in mainstream media. The items are listed in the chronological order that we become aware of them.

Up to date testimonies from Palestine Trauma Centre (UK) staff
An online meeting with staff took place on 2nd June. Notes of the meeting are available here:

Here are two excerpts:

Rasha: (When asked how much people in Gaza know about what is happening overseas) I lived in a tent for 5 months. Internet was on and off. Sometimes we would hear what is happening in the world, but in Gaza we care about how can we get water, food. War still continues till now; lots of people are dead. My home was burnt with everything in it. We have nothing now; lots of relatives and colleagues are dead. We know you stand with us and thanks to all, but the reality is the war continues and we don’t know till when. We don’t know how we can continue after the war without our homes, without our loved ones, with nothing.

Dr Omar: (Moved his camera to show us a camp that he can see from his house.) There are maybe 10,000 people living in this area. There are many areas like this in Gaza. They come here for safety but there is no safe place in Gaza. There is suffering for everyone. Life is very complicated here. How can we protect family? How can we look for water, food? There is a lack of food and clean water. We feel the sound of aircraft in the sky. Any moment there will be a bombardment. It is terrifying especially for children. Children can’t sleep – they wake throughout the night. This is the time to say enough.

Palestine Trauma Centre (UK) website:

It’s Bisan from Gaza and I’m Still Alive’
An ‘indomitable’ young citizen-journalist, Bisan Owda, has recently been awarded the 2024 Peabody Award in the News category for her Al Jazeera Media Network show named after her signature opening line. The award recognises ‘the most powerful, enlightening, and invigorating stories in all of television, radio, and online media.’ She has over 4 million followers on Instagram:

She recently returned to Khan Younis and, crying, described the scene:
“Have you ever seen destruction like this? Even in the end-of-the-world movies?”

In separate news, Middle East Eye’s freelance journalist, Maha Hussaini (@MahaGaza), along with three other journalists, won the 2024 Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women’s Media Foundation

Scale of bombing of Gaza
Euro-Med Human Rights monitor estimates that Israel dropped 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza since last October up to 24 April (before the assault on Rafah).
For comparison, this figure is greater than the total bombing of Dresden, Hamburg, London, Nagasaki and Hiroshima during the Second World War.

Israel’s Descent by Adam Shatz in the London Review of Books
When Ariel Sharon​ withdrew more than eight thousand Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005, his principal aim was to consolidate Israel’s colonisation of the West Bank, where the settler population immediately began to increase. But ‘disengagement’ had another purpose: to enable Israel’s air force to bomb Gaza at will, something they could not do when Israeli settlers lived there. The Palestinians of the West Bank have been, it seems, gruesomely lucky. They are encircled by settlers determined to steal their lands – and not at all hesitant about inflicting violence in the process – but the Jewish presence in their territory has spared them the mass bombardment and devastation to which Israel subjects the people of Gaza every few years.

UN adding Israel to ‘blacklist’ of countries harming children in conflict
Move comes as Israel’s Gaza war has killed more than 15,500 Palestinian children and fuelled widespread malnutrition.

Recording of Balfour Project conference ‘Peace with Justice – how to get there’ now available
On 6 June, in partnership with the History Dept of King’s College London, we brought together a range of speakers with ideas on the pathways out of this dreadful calamity towards Peace with Justice for both peoples. Palestinians provided eye-witness accounts, insight and fresh thinking; other speakers covered the regional and international context.

Reuters Exclusive: Former Meta engineer sues company saying he was fired over handling of Gaza content
A former Meta engineer has accused the company of bias in its handling of content related to the war in Gaza, claiming in a lawsuit that Meta fired him for trying to help fix bugs causing the suppression of Palestinian Instagram posts.

Zeteo Exclusive: Inside Israel’s Insta-Genocide
Part One: Weaponizing the humiliation of Gaza’s Palestinians

A bravel young girl finding comfort in a dangerous world
From the Eye on Palestine site which has over 12 million followers on Instagram