Letters for Palestinian childhoods

Letters for Palestinian childhoods is an exhibition of letters, poems, and artwork dedicated to the children of Palestine – currently online and soon to be a travelling exhibition. It aims to counter dehumanising narratives about Palestinians, showing solidarity by attending to the names, stories, experiences, dreams, and struggles of Palestinian children and the actions of the Western-backed Israeli state which are so violently shaping their lives.

The online version is available here:

The exhibition is now available in a physical/in-person format for display in halls, rooms etc

We have designed the exhibit so that it can easily travel and be exhibited in person. The exhibit currently has 50 pieces @ A3 size (including an introduction, the statement for ceasefire that inspired it, and a call to action as well as the letters/images – most in English and Arabic, some in English only, and some in English and Spanish). Each letter + image has a QR code linking to the audio for the piece and we also have a single audio file for the whole exhibit that can be played on a loop if the space has sound capacity. The other thing we have done as part of the exhibit is a call for action which includes inviting viewers to write their own letters. We had a ribbon hanging across the room and clips so that people could hang their letters (made just with card stock and sharpies).

Option 1: Print yourself

We printed the 50 boards on 5mm foamex boards through Premier Print in the UK and it cost £200 for the full exhibit and delivery. We hung them using velcro hanger style picture hangers (small size hangers, 2 per image in top corners). But, in principle, they could be printed on anything and hung in whatever way makes sense in your venue…  It is also possible to print a selection of the 50 boards. We have a print ready PDF file we can send to anyone interested in hosting the event. 

Option 2: We ship the exhibit to you

If you find a space and have some dates which don’t conflict with ones we’ve already committed to, and can pay for shipping, then one option is for us to send the already printed exhibit to you. It all fits into a medium size moving box. 

Hope this is helpful. People can be in touch with Rachel Rosen r.rosen@ucl.ac.uk directly if they are interested in hosting an in-person exhibit.