“Israel says Hamas weaponised rape. Does the evidence add up?”


Exigent Sadism: A Psychoanalytico-political Concept
Sunday 23 June 23 from 4:30-7:30pm (UK time)
A conference organised by the Red Clinic with Avgi Saketopoulou, Lisa Duggan, Noëlle McAfee, and Lara Sheehi.
This presentation fleshes out the psychoanalyticopolitical implications of exigent sadism, applying pressure to a most valued concept in psychoanalytic and political theories: reparation. Repair promises to address injury, but because it is de-sexualized, Avgi Saketopoulou argues, it too often works to bind us, instead, to relationships – personal, social, and institutional -, that harm us.

UKPALMHN Action Half-Hour
Monday 24 June at 1 pm UK time
An informal space to share thoughts and feelings, and to channel these into actions that we take together.
Please email ukpalmhn@gmail.com if you would like a link to the meeting.
All of the actions for this event and previous events can be found on:

Resisting the Erasure: Scholasticide & the Struggle for Palestinian Freedom
Monday 24 June at 6:30pm at the Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ
Join the British Palestinian Committee, Galilee Foundation, and Fobzu for a conversation among Palestinians on the theme of resisting systematic efforts to erase Palestinian collective life. With a focus on education and the ongoing ‘scholasticide’ in Palestine.

Land for Two Peoples: Beyond Zionism to Peace and Justice
Wednesday 26 June 26 at 5pm (UK time)
Dr. Maté will speak with Israeli historian Ilan Pappé. They will deconstruct obsolete dogmas while exploring how the principles of universal human rights and international law lead to the logical and ethical conclusion of a unitary, democratic state with equal rights for all people living in the shared lands between the River and the Sea.

Saturday, 6 July – National March for Palestine, noon, central London.
More details to follow.


Israel says Hamas weaponised rape. Does the evidence add up?’
This is a new investigation by the Times that focuses on the follow-up and fall-out from the report issued in March by Prisila Patten, the UN secretary-general’s special representative on sexual violence. The article highlights a finding of the report that there is a lack of evidence of a systematic campaign of rape carried out by Hamas on 7 October. The Times team carried out further investigative work but were unable to uncover any new evidence. It notes that Israel has been unable to produce evidence it has claimed to possess of Hamas’s written orders to rape.
The original Times article is available (but behind a paywall) at this link:

Times becomes first Main Stream Media to admit: no evidence of any ‘Hamas rape’ on 7 Oct
Admission triggers furious backlash as pro-Israel groups try to force retraction.

Mubadara’ – A Psychological Support Initiative for Gaza Genocide Victims
The initial idea started on a ‘WhatsApp’ group of friends and acquaintances created to explore ways to help the people of Gaza. One of the pressing needs was psychological support for families of people in Gaza who live abroad and lost tens of relatives and friends during the genocide. The growing demand was an encouraging factor to establish an initiative solely for psychological support to connect patients with therapists online and at no charge.

He died in my arms’: Videos emerge of released Palestinian prisoners recalling detention conditions
In the videos, which are being circulated online, one former detainee and cancer patient, Mohammad Aklouk recalled how a 31-year-old fellow prisoner died in his arms after being struck on the head by Israeli soldiers.

How is it reasonable to kill over 200 for the sake of four?’
‘We are cheap blood in this hypocritical world’
Relentless bombing, hospitals overflowing, soldiers in aid trucks: survivors recount the massacre in Nuseirat refugee camp during Israel’s hostage rescue.

UK ‘morally incoherent’ for sending arms to Israel and aid to Gaza, says Oxfam chief
Exclusive: Charity granted permission to intervene after ministers rejected calls to suspend weapon sales.

The invocation of Amalek in Israel: from extremist religious rhetoric to a totalitarian project culminating in the genocide in Gaza
A report of the Association of Academics for Respect for International Law in Palestine.
[Wikipedia: ‘Amalek is described in the Hebrew Bible as the enemy nation of the Israelites. The name “Amalek” can refer to the descendants of Amalek, the grandson of Esau, or anyone who lived in their territories in Canaan’.]
This article focuses on a fundamental aspect of the anatomy of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, namely the invocation of Amalek. Genocides are not easily decreed; they require an ideological base and a set of cultural or religious references likely to make them acceptable to a significant part of society. In this paper, we show that the invocation of Amalek in Israeli public discourse has shifted in recent decades from extremist religious rhetoric to ideological indoctrination in the social and political arena.


PalMusic UK Anniversary Concert in Southwark Cathedral
Thursday 14 November at 7pm (UK time) in Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, London SE1 9DA
Funds from this concert enable PalMusic UK to support Palestinian children and young people to learn music at the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music.

The concert includes the Beethoven Piano Concerto No 3 played by Marc Kawwas. Long-standing members may fondly remember that 14-year old Marc from Bethlehem played piano at the start of the Cafe Palestine 6 Zoom meeting in January 2021. At that time, we wrote that Marc has ‘performed numerous recitals and concerts across Palestine and won many music competitions. He has also performed a recital in the United Kingdom. Marc dreams to become a great Palestinian Pianist, conductor and composer’.
Now there is a chance to see him in real life.