Children dying of malnutrition in Rafah

National Demonstration: Ceasefire Now – Stop the Genocide in Gaza!
Saturday 8 June – Assemble 12:30 (note slightly changed time) at Russell Square

The UK-Palestine Mental Health Network banner will be at the march. All are welcome to join us. We will meet at 12:15 am at:
Bloomsbury Square Gardens, Great Russell Street end, London WC1A 2PJ

UKPALMHN Action Half-Hour
Monday 10 June at 1 pm UK time
An informal space to share thoughts and feelings, and to channel these into actions that we take together. Please contact if you would like a link to this meeting.
All of the actions for this event and previous events can be found on:

Children die of malnutrition as Rafah operation heightens threat of famine in Gaza
Arrival of Israeli troops in the southern border town has choked aid supplies, as hunger deepens in southern Gaza

‘This war has taken everything from us, even our dignity’
A blog by Mahmoud Shalabi, Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)’s Senior Programme Manager in northern Gaza. He talks about how difficult it has been to live in the north since the start of Israel’s military assault, and how he struggles to try and get by, day by day.

Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center
At a military base that now doubles as a detention center in Israel’s Negev desert, an Israeli working at the facility snapped two photographs of a scene that he says continues to haunt him.
Rows of men in gray tracksuits are seen sitting on paper-thin mattresses, ringfenced by barbed wire. All appear blindfolded, their heads hanging heavy under the glare of floodlights.
A putrid stench filled the air and the room hummed with the men’s murmurs, the Israeli who was at the facility told CNN. Forbidden from speaking to each other, the detainees mumbled to themselves.

Gaza’s stolen healers
Hundreds of Palestinian doctors disappeared into Israeli detention
It’s been two months since Osaid Alser has heard from his cousin, Khaled Al Serr, a surgeon at Nasser Hospital in the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis …

Psychic Worlds Under Stress: The State Of Mental Healthcare In Palestine
2-hour video of a teach-in on mental healthcare in Palestine with Drs. Lara and Stephen Sheehi joining Healthcare Workers for Palestine to discuss their book ‘Psychoanalysis Under Occupation’.
(there is no audio until about 4:40)

May 2024 Study Tour – We went there and you can too!
Seventeen internationals participated in the latest Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions study tour to Palestine/Israel that was undertaken in conjunction with the UK Palestine Mental Health Network. The group consisted of several professionals from the fields of mental health and social work. The report includes sections with text and photos covering: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, Naqab / Negev, Ramallah and Jericho / Jordan Valley.


Pret A Manger pulls out of plans to open in Israel
Pret A Manger has cancelled plans to open dozens of stores across Israel after pro-Palestinian campaigners threatened a boycott.


Defending Advocates for Palestine
Recording of a 2-hour special webinar from Cage International
With the ongoing horrific violations and genocide take place against the people of Palestine, there is a rising and a growing global movement challenging it and demanding an end to apartheid and holding those responsible for war crimes to account. In the face of that demand for justice we see an escalation in top down repression across the board against those advocating for Palestine. Students, lawyers, doctors, protestors and even children have been targeted. We bring to you a special event where we will be hosting an expert panel, who themselves have been on the receiving end of repressive tactics and yet still continue to advocate for Palestine.

Palestine Legal free legal support
Palestine Legal works with a network of organizations, attorneys and advocacy groups to respond to requests for legal and advocacy assistance, and to document incidents of suppression. We will coordinate with this network to provide you with the best possible legal advice, representation or referral, when it is within our Scope of Services.


A House in Jerusalem (a new feature film)
12-year-old Rebecca, together with her father, relocates from the UK to Jerusalem seeking a fresh start following the tragic death of her mother. Their old family home in the Valley of the Ghosts becomes the setting for mysterious events and an unlikely friendship between Rebecca and Rasha, a young Palestinian girl only she can see. Could it be that the walls of the house are infused with the history and emotions of past generations or is Rasha simply a figment of Rebecca’s imagination?
A trailer and UK screenings are here:

Where Olive Trees Weep: No one is free until we are all free
A new film featuring Ashira Darwish, Ahed Tamimi, Amira Hass and Gabor Mate
The film gives background to the current crisis in Israel/Palestine and brings to light the lives of people we met on our 2022 journey in the occupied West Bank. Their universally human stories speak of intergenerational pain, trauma and resilience. We hope they touch your heart, stir compassion and understanding, and give rise to a pursuit for justice. For without justice, peace remains an empty slogan.

Between 6 – 27 June it is possible to seek a licence to show the film for educational and fundraising purposes by applying for a licence and paying a screening fee (unspecified).