Social Workers for a Free Palestine response to BASW and SWU statement on Gaza

The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) and Social Workers Union (SWU) released a new statement on Gaza on 3 May:

Social Workers for a Free Palestine have issued this response:
We welcome the updated statement on the situation in Israel and Palestine/Gaza published by BASW and SWU on 3rd May, which includes a statement of solidarity with Palestinians, and references the ruling of the International Court of Justice in January that Israel must act to prevent genocide against the Palestinians. We support the calls made in the statement, including an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the resumption of funding to UNWRA, and to stop the arming of the war on Gaza.

In addition to these calls, recognition of the root causes of the violence taking place Is required. These are the nature of Israel’s settler-colonial project and apartheid system of the past 76 years, and its associated ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, the intensification of which is what we are now witnessing. As a leading human rights and anti-racist profession, social work and its representative bodies should stand clearly against apartheid and colonialism, and we call on BASW and SWU to show a lead on this.

We hope to see BASW and SWU on the right side of history, as BASW was in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, and calling for an end to Israeli apartheid, and for peace with freedom and justice for the Palestinian people.

Social Workers for a Free Palestine, 13th May 2024