Statement issued by Yemeni Union of Social Workers and Psychologists

The Yemeni Union of Social Workers and Psychologists closely follows the ongoing massacres in Palestine perpetrated by the Zionist Israeli terrorism. This ruthless enemy is carrying out genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and Jerusalem. This war has been ongoing since 1948, during which the ruthless enemy has committed all manner of crimes without accountability or deterrence, with significant American support.

The struggle of peoples for their liberation is a human, moral and patriotic value. All humanitarian and international organizations should always call for the liberation of humanity. The Palestinian people have been struggling for their liberation for more than 76 years. The call for freedom has emanated from Palestine to the world, to the United Nations, to universities, to the Arab, American and European streets, and to all organizations today that call for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination. This war has revealed the true face of this Zionist colonial terrorism.

The Yemeni Union of Social Workers and Psychologists also follows all the statements issued by the IFSW (International Federation of Social Workers) and the Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists (PUSWP), particularly regarding the Israeli Union of Social Workers (IUSW). We demand that the IFSW (International Federation of Social Workers)
 take a decision regarding this IUSW , whose members participate in the killing of children, genocide, and ethnic cleansing.

We feel compelled to stand once again and call on the IFSW to take the necessary measures against the IUSW, so that it remains free and professional, without any impurities. This member who participates with its members in killing and destruction is a violation of IFSW’s policy and a breach of its ethical and professional charter.

We have followed what was recently published on the IFSW page on June 11, 2024, in response to the statement of the Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists (PUSWP), which referred in its statement to the IFSW’s statement “obliging Israeli citizens to perform compulsory military service, including social workers and social work students.” The IFSW also mentioned in its statement the ethical principles of the federation. To avoid any misinformation for the reader and social workers, we must acknowledge that the ethical principles that members should adhere to and that IFSW advocates for should be in line with and not contradict the practices of the members or federations. We agree that as social workers, we must support freedom, independence, and peace for peoples, and oppose violence.

This is a good entry point to acknowledge that the Israeli Union of Social Workers (IUSW), through its members, participates in the most heinous crimes throughout history, and its occupying government violates the entire system of international laws and regulations. The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) cannot remain merely condemning, rejecting, or denouncing, or content itself with reprimanding statements as happened in Dublin in 2018, because the participation of the Israeli Union of Social Workers (IUSW) members is not for humanitarian purposes and cannot be justified, as the IUSW itself acknowledged in Dublin through your statement, which we were aware of and voted on through the representative of the Yemeni Syndicate at the time, along with the statement of condemnation and denunciation.

Today, the historical responsibility of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) requires it to take a position on the Israeli Union of Social Workers (IUSW) after these horrific crimes in which it participates. These calls have been directed to the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) for many years, and until now, the social workers in Yemen and the rest of the Arab countries, as well as our colleagues and friends in the countries of the world, have not received any answer in the form of an official position from the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), especially today after the ongoing killings, massacres, starvation, and ethnic cleansing.

We see the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) as a true example of community and popular work, and we see in its leadership the ability to make decisions, warning against attempts to mislead and deceive social workers wherever they are, as they are part of the global public opinion, and equating the victim with the executioner. Anyone who tries to justify this matter is an acknowledgment of participation in a crime against the Palestinian people and all of humanity.

Yemeni Union of Social Workers and Psychologists